Digital map of China, concept of South East Asia network and connectivity, data transfer and cyber technology, business and information exchange and telecommunication
HENSOLDT in APAC Asia-Pacific

Trusted partner in the region

As a market leader in sensor solutions for defence and security and an innovator of advanced sensor technology at every step of the value chain, HENSOLDT is proud to be recognised as a trusted partner in the Asia-Pacific region.

HENSOLDT’s strong presence in Asia-Pacific began in the 1980s. The company currently has offices and staff in Singapore, India, South Korea and Australia to provide close customer proximity.

Asia-Pacific customers choose HENSOLDT when their mission is critical and their environment is challenging, confident that their HENSOLDT solution will perform as intended.

Digital map of China, concept of South East Asia network and connectivity, data transfer and cyber technology, business and information exchange and telecommunication


HENSOLDT has been a trusted name in Asia for over half a century, demonstrating its unwavering commitment to delivering cutting-edge sensor solutions for defense, security, and other critical applications.


HENSOLDT has been a dedicated partner in strengthening India’s defense and security capabilities, with two decades of unwavering support for the “Make in India” initiative.

HENSOLDT in Australia and New Zealand

HENSOLDT Australia and New Zealand is at the forefront of delivering integrated technological solutions and analytics that drive success in the defence, space, and security industries.

Core topics

Insights into the region
Mountain Landscape covered with white clouds
Created with Adobe Firefly AI
Space satellite orbiting the earth. Elements of this image furnished by NASA.
India Office


Bengaluru is the Headquarter of HENSOLDT Private Ltd which acts as a pivot to demonstrate its commitment to support India’s defence industry growth while expanding own strategic footprint in the region. This centre is supported by its Branch Office at Hyderabad.

Objectives of HENSOLDT India
To continue working as a trusted partner in India, dedicated to joint development and manufacturing of advanced military products tailored to meet the specific needs of Indian defence customers.
Actively foster strategic partnerships with Indian defence companies, DPSUs, and private sector firms to deliver customized indigenous solutions for the Indian Armed Forces in areas such as radars, electronic warfare, and optronics.
Support Indian partners in joint manufacturing and development, including:

  • Built-to-Print: Licensed production of HENSOLDT products.
  • Built-to-Specs: Engagement in design by Indian organizations.
  • Co-Development and Co-Production: Jointly develop and produce solutions, maximizing mutual strengths and capabilities.
India Office