Compliance to Standards, Regulations, and Requirements to pass audit and manage quality control. Concept about conformity with manager or auditor pressing buttons with icons.

Ruled by ethics, inspired by our values

For HENSOLDT, compliance means adherence to legal requirements, internal corporate policies, ethical principles and our values for the protection of the company.

Industrial Designer Has Conversation with Senior Engineer While Working in CAD Program, Designing New Component. He Works on Personal Computer with Two Monitors.

Integrated systems for modern warfare

Ethics and integrity provide the basis for trust in relationships with our customers, suppliers, commercial and industrial partners, and all the company’s stakeholders. We ensure that our business practices conform to applicable laws, regulations and ethical business principles, and that we continuously foster a sustainable culture of integrity.

Dr. Katja Stadelmann General Counsel HENSOLDT AG

“A company can only be sustainably successful if it acts with integrity, complies with statutory provisions worldwide and stands by ethical principles. Compliance must be second nature to all Group employees.”

The Compliance department within the HENSOLDT Group addresses, amongst other things, the areas of anti-corruption, antitrust, data protection, sanctions and export compliance. It has implemented dedicated compliance guidelines and procedures covering all these topics, with our Code of Conduct being the cornerstone of our compliance regulations.

We consider Compliance to be a holistic matter and it is for this reason that the respective departments responsible for managing compliance risks within their area are always in close alignment with the Compliance Department.

We consider it our duty to combat all forms of corruption – public and private. Our policies and rules govern all contractual arrangements entered into by our company in relation to any business and project partners and any associated third parties.

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