Close Up Plant in Female Hands. Care of the Environment. Ecology concept

Our mission

Sustainability in all its dimensions is a crucial topic for us at HENSOLDT. Besides minimising our ecological footprint, this means living a culture of integrity as well as fostering our employees and local communities. And last, but not least, it also includes the protection of nations and societies with our innovative sensor solutions.

Our impact-driven ambition to a more sustainable defence is “Detect & Protect” tomorrow.

Sustainability Report 2020

Our sustainability strategy

Our new sustainability strategy at HENSOLDT is based on three essential dimensions: Environmental responsibility ("E”), Social responsibility ("S"), and Governance responsibility ("G").

These three dimensions are concretised through five strategic pillars to ensure that we act comprehensively: Planet & resources, own workforce, supplier, customer and business integrity.

Dr. Lars Immisch CHRO HENSOLDT Group

“The new sustainability strategy is not only an essential step but a fundamental responsibility that we bear as a company. In a time when economic success without caring for the environment and society is no longer sustainable, we are setting a clear signal with this strategy. It is our compass for long-term, responsible action – for our employees, our partners, and future generations. Sustainability is not an addition but the core of our business model."

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Our sustainability strategy

Environmental, social and governance

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