182 256 Bild_Spectrum_Dominance_V3

GRX700 Monitoring Receiver – Basic Training (OT1)

Course ID: GRX700-000-01-OT1
Basic level

Target group

  • Operators, maintenance staff and higher-ranking offi cers/project managers


  • Basic knowledge of radio communications
  • General technical understanding of electronic equipment


  • Take account of possible hazards and safety instructions and name the provided technical documentation
  • Identify the main characteristics of radio communications theory, including analogue vs digital radios
  • Operate the GRX700 via software
  • Perform simple functional checks and maintenance tasks
  • Initiate start-up and shut-down procedures


Theoretical Practical
General Information
Introduction/documentation/safety instructions
RF Tutorial
Radio propagation – basics
Communications technology – basics
Direction fi nding – basics
Electronic warfare – basics
Brief system description
Technical system design
Built-in test equipment (BITE)
Graphical user interface operation

Training portfolio

Classroom training

2 days max. 12 people English
  • Classroom training: plenty of time for practical applications under the guidance of a qualified trainer
Training catalogue