SBMS Software Box Key Visual V2

ERS – Basic Training (OT1)

Course ID: ERS-000-01-OT1
Basic level

Target group

  • Pilots, mission operators, maintenance staff and higher-ranking offi cers/project managers


  • Basic knowledge of navigation and avionics
  • General technical understanding of electronic equipment


  • Take account of possible hazards and safety instructions and name the provided technical documentation
  • Characterise the main benefi ts of using an enhanced reality system (ERS) in an avionics environment
  • Describe the general ERS operation concept
  • Explain the main functions and features of the system


Theoretical Practical
General Information
Introduction/documentation/safety instructions
Hardware overview
Interconnections overview
Functional block overview
Basic operation of menus
Introduction to page concept
Use case overview

Training portfolio

Classroom training

1 day max. 12 people English
  • Classroom training: plenty of time for practical applications under the guidance of a qualified trainer
Training catalogue