C4 and fire support systemThe challenge
On the modern battlefield, the plethora of sensors and effectors, each with its own command and control system, often lead to information overload. For seamless operations and coordination, it is becoming increasingly important to efficiently connect all these sensors, effectors and other battlefield assets – both with each other as well as with multinational partners.
Managing the connectivity between these varied devices, including their individual software, presents a challenge when it comes to effectively disseminating critical information across the command chain. It is essential to be able to select the appropriate distribution system from a range of options including radio (HF/VHF/UHF), TacSat or cellular networks.
Our solution
TARANIS ADLER is a C4 & Fire Support System (C4FS) that connects all assets on the battlefield from sensor to shooter in real time. It significantly improves coordination throughout the chain of command, enabling more effective fire support and enhanced situational awareness.
A large number of sensors and effectors are already integrated (howitzers, mortars, frigates, rocket launchers, UAVs etc.). Existing and new systems can be easily integrated. We work closely with our customers to tailor TARANIS ADLER to their specific requirements – individual adaptations are no problem.
Features and benefits
Command and Control
- Integrated battle management system
- Common operational picture
- Blue force tracking
- Orders/messages/chat
- Tactical layer management
- Fire support
- Ballistic calculation
- Multiple round simultaneous impact
- Decision support
- Unit management (status, ammunition, pre-planned tests, etc.)
Joint fire support
- Navy
- Air force – Digitally aided close air support
Multinational interoperability
- Integrated ASCA (Artillery Systems Cooperation Activities) interface to enable combat missions across national, language and organisational borders
- Easy connection of different customer-specific communication systems, from low-bandwidth radios (HF/VHF/UHF), TacSat, LTE to wireless communication (bluetooth, WiFi) and wired connections (LAN, 2-wire, fibre optics)
- Intuitive, simple user interface enables effective deployment of sensors and effectors even in stressful situations
- Significant support and workload relief for troops
- Time saving through request, release and process with a single system
- Fast delivery of required artillery fire, or joint fire support, at the required location
- Elimination of human error in manual inputs/radio speech
- Required effectors can be deployed faster and more accurately, helping to protect forces