SharpEye SBS-800
Coherent Shore-Based Sensor system
The challenge
Owners and operators of shore-based facilities, assets and installations require reliable systems to help achieve multiple objectives including maritime security, safe navigation and environmental protection.
These shore-based sensor systems make use of surveillance radar to promote efficiency, safety and security throughout coastal and littoral zones.
In fact, the need for sensor systems is increasing in proportion to the current growth in naval traffic and congestion as well as environmental and military threats. These radar sensors can help shore-based stakeholders in their efforts to prevent collisions at sea, detect environmental offences such as dumping at sea and, perhaps most importantly, monitor, track and even interdict suspicious and unauthorised vessels and activities detected in the waters around them.
Our solution
Shore-based stakeholders face a wide range of environmental, safety and security challenges that can be addressed with the use of radar sensor-based monitoring, surveillance and tracking equipment.
HENSOLDT's shore-based radar solutions are designed to meet the demanding operational requirements of port, harbour and river traffic operators, as well as the government agencies that protect coastal and littoral zones.
These solutions include the high reliability upmast systems provided by the low-cost, lightweight, high-performance SBS-800 family. Their superior performance and reliability is built around solid-state electronics and the patented technology of a SharpEye transceiver. Four different product configurations provide system integrators with a standardised, cost-effective, radar sensor solution optimised for the specific requirements of a coastal surveillance system or a Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) system as defined in the IALA guidelines.

Features and benefits
- Solid-state transceiver
- Software-configured
- Fully coherent Doppler radar
- Self-contained upmast solution
- Industry standard digital open architecture
- Low-maintenance
- Easy to integrate with the capability to permit future increments
- Fully coherent SharpEye transceivers augment capability and situational awareness through digital pulse compression and pulse Doppler processing
- Multiple frequency channels are available for excellent interoperability with other radars in the vicinity of the installation
- Available in X-Band and S-Band
- Configured as a single upmast transceiver with the SharpEye™ sensor integrated into the antenna turning unit, eliminating the need for downmast housing while improving system performance
- High reliability and MTBF
- SBS-800-3 features frequency diversity for enhanced clutter processing and small-target detection
- Easy to install
- Full BITE capability
- Applications include vessel-traffic services, ports, harbours, coastlines, oil and LNG terminals, oil and gas platforms, offshore wind farms, security and surveillance, and estuary and river trade routes
- Low through-life costs