
HF electronic attack sub-system
Used for launch of GRJ6000 and GRJ8500

The challenge

Your forces’ missions include protecting fixed targets, convoys, individual vehicles and foot patrols (manpack system) against remotely controlled improvised explosive devices (RCIEDs) and other threats, such as roadside bombs.

On the modern electronic battlefield, the ability to effectively disrupt and deny enemy communications in the operational theatre gives tactical superiority to own forces. However, conventional technologies for communications jamming have been found lacking when pitted against the advanced networked communications and low probability-of-intercept (POI) technologies in use by enemy forces today.

In light of this, the new and emerging threats that confront your forces across the complex-signals environment call for effective, state-of-the-art countermeasures.


Our solution

In response to this challenge, we present HENSOLDT’s next-generation GEW GRJ6000 communications electronic attack system for countering threat signals through HF jamming – promoting tactical superiority and spectrum dominance.

Introduced to reliably counter the new and emerging signals that have reshaped the electronic battlefield, the new GEW® GRJ6000 system features the most advanced signal attack methods available on the market today.

The GEW GRJ range of electronic attack (EA) and surveillance systems control the adversary’s ability to communicate and use the electromagnetic spectrum – either by disrupting or manipulating it.

Application-specific power amplifiers and antennas make the GRJ systems effective and versatile jamming solutions for ground-mobile, tactical or fixed applications.

Used for launch of GRJ6000 and GRJ8500

Features and benefits


  • Full band coverage of 500 kHz-30 MHz
  • Wide, instantaneous receiver bandwidth
  • Two exciter outputs
  • Fixed, mobile and semi-mobile applications
  • Advanced jamming algorithms
  • Interfaces for a range of power amplifiers and antennas
  • Fast spectrum surveillance, ultra-low reaction latency, advanced exciter algorithms and multi-waveform countermeasures against the latest-generation signals
  • Fixed-frequency responsive jamming
  • Smart broadband/barrage jamming
  • TDM frequency list jamming


  • Multiple transmitter bands
  • Adaptive waveform algorithms
  • Fast scanning and advanced jamming modes
  • Reliably counter even the most elusive target signals
  • Excellent spectrum surveillance and signal monitoring performance – capabilities vital to effective jamming missions
  • Compact size
  • Common interface to hardware components
  • Leverages advanced architecture to simultaneously and seamlessly target point-to-point radio links and new-generation multi-standard networks

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