NATO codification and cataloguing solution

The challenge

To have the right equipment supplied in the right place in a timely manner, the equipment must be described with no ambiguity to avoid duplicated data caused by different names, different manufacturers or different reference numbers.

The exact determination of an item of supply depends on technical and logistical considerations, on the basis of which the user specifies the characteristics and tolerances of their concepts.

The NATO Codification System (NCS) is an efficient system for the identification of items and stock numbering of items of supply. It is designed to achieve maximum effectiveness in logistics support and to facilitate material data management. It also enables an international data exchange with participating partners (NATO, Tier 1 and Tier 2).


Our solution

N-CORE NG is the leading NATO codification and cataloguing solution for governments and public security authorities worldwide. It is an easy-to-use, web-based codification and information system based on the rules and procedures of the NCS, according to the NATO Manual on Codification Specifications ACodP-1.
The solution supports all national and international codification processes and enables decentralised database maintenance.

N-CORE NG consists of a core system covering the codification tasks of a National Codification Bureau (NCB) and a wide range of modules to increase productivity, effectiveness and efficiency. Material manufacturers (military and civil) can also use the system’s web interface to participate in the codification process.
N-CORE NG is used by governments, security authorities and industries in numerous countries:

  • NATO: Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, Romania and Slovenia
  • Tier 1: Bosnia & Herzegovina and Oman
  • Tier 2: Argentina, Austria, India, Indonesia, Israel, Malaysia, New Zealand and Singapore

Features and benefits


  • Total item record: Maintenance of national and foreign NSNs in TIR and validation of user input against ACodP1 rules
  • Manufacturer: Maintenance of national NCAGE in H4, assignment of new NCAGE and additional national data
  • Codification: Processing of received codification requests, creation of NSNs and enhanced screening
  • Information: Publication of data (NSN, manufacturer etc.), reporting, history and audit trails
  • Administration: User administration, ACodP-1 code maintenance, server maintenance, integrated diagnostic tools and translation
  • Data exchange: Loading of system support files, semi-automatic data exchange to NMBS checking all ACodP1 rules and import / export in XML
  • Codification projects: Batch processing of Excel or S2000m files and control progress of codification projects
  • Mass changes: 10,000 LAU or LDU in one Excel file; LAR, LCR, LDR and NCAGE replacement; and a sophisticated module to change characteristics
  • SAP interface: RFC calls and IDOCS, web services, integrated codification process and searches


  • Significant improvements to the quality, productivity and cost-effectiveness of your material codification process with N-CORE NG
  • Proven and continuously improved codification processes to enhance quality by reducing and eliminating input and output errors
  • Configuration and customisation of N-CORE NG to your specific requirements
  • Decades of experience in NATO codification with continuous and proactive development of new features and services to provide extra added value to the user experience
  • Provision of complete service packages, including business process analysis, data migration, training and lifecycle support

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