G84NJ3 BURG / GERMANY - JUNE 25, 2016: german army truck, Mercedes-Benz Zetros drives on open day in barrack burg / germany at june 25,

Logistic solutions

Efficiency, security and flexibility
Logistic solutions

Bespoke logistics for specific needs

In a world where logistics processes are becoming increasingly complex and demanding, it is vital to have reliable partners. We offer bespoke logistics solutions designed to meet your specific needs. As an experienced service provider, we understand the unique challenges faced by security organisations: from the secure storage and management of materials to efficient distribution and rapid adaptation to changing operating conditions.

Rapid responsiveness, the highest security standards

Our logistics solutions ensure rapid responsiveness, the highest security standards and the seamless integration of modern technologies. We take into account not only operational requirements, but also the need to manage resources in a sustainable and environmentally responsible way. We can help you optimise logistical efficiency and help to ensure that your systems remain operational at all times. Place your trust in our expertise for a strong and sustainable logistics supply chain.


Innovative solutions for a safer world
ZEBEL Zentrallager

Central logistics

With our extensive expertise, we can assume responsibility for setting up and operating your logistics centres. With an eye to future developments and requirements, we plan, implement and maintain your logistics system: from process design to operation and IT connections through to optimisation.

For example, on behalf of the German Armed Forces, we operate the ZEBEL (Central Bundeswehr Spare Parts Logistics) central warehouse, which supplies all civilian and selected military maintenance facilities, as well as Heeresinstandsetzungslogistik GmbH, with materials required for maintaining land systems.

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Logistics data

With an integrated approach we provide tool-based solutions for data provision, management, maintenance, analysis and evaluation, ensuring consistent data quality throughout the product lifecycle and across all logistical processes.

Using cutting-edge technologies such as modelling, simulation and artificial intelligence, we provide supply chain insight solutions that help to optimise logistics processes by collecting and analysing data and providing valuable insights into all aspects of your logistics network.

Our expertise

Our expertise

The expert at your side: we have decades of in-depth experience in planning and operating highly complex logistics centres for the military and public authorities

We plan, implement and manage your logistics supply with foresight; efficiently and economically

The digitalisation of logistics processes is an integral part of our services – we also use our own high-performance IT systems and state-of-the-art technology to achieve this

We always keep an eye on the future development of logistics services to ensure greater resilience in the supply chain

G84NJ3 BURG / GERMANY - JUNE 25, 2016: german army truck, Mercedes-Benz Zetros drives on open day in barrack burg / germany at june 25,

Key benefits

Maximising performance and value
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Holistic approach

  • Our solutions are not limited to individual processes, but always take into account the entire logistics chain
  • We take on project, process and risk management and ensure that other partners and services are connected and integrated according to your requirements.
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Experience and expertise

  • With our solutions, you benefit from decades of experience in logistics for the military and public authorities – on land, in the air and at sea
  • Classic logistics skills combined with the latest approaches in artificial intelligence, machine learning, digital twins and big data analytics
  • We are experienced in handling and transmitting sensitive data
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Digitalisation and IT

  • We develop and support the necessary IT solutions tailored to your requirements – efficient interfaces ensure a seamless logistics supply
  • We use modern and user-friendly tools to support and simplify your processes in the best possible way
  • We use your data to create real added value through analysis and evaluations, the results of which we implement together with you

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