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Boresighting – Missing the target is no option

Enhancing combat accuracy

In combat, soldiers face multiple threats that demand an immediate response. Their survival and the success of their mission rely heavily on the accuracy of their weapons. Missing a target can reveal their position, waste ammunition and increase the risk of collateral damage or friendly fire. First-shot accuracy is what defines a weapon’s true combat value. It therefore plays a critical role in survival on the battlefield. HENSOLDT’s high-performance Boresights provide military forces worldwide with the precision they need in combat. With decades of experience, these tools offer control and an edge over adversaries, enhancing the capabilities and survival of both infantry and vehicle crews.

Precision weapon alignment

Covering weapons from hand-held firearms to heavy systems, HENSOLDT’s solutions ensure accuracy across all levels. The Universal Muzzle Boresight Devices offer a cost-effective solution for aligning sights on various firearms, from 5.56 to 155 mm calibres and for ranges up to 1,200 metres. Easy to handle and durable, they enable quick adjustments with minimal maintenance costs. For even higher precision, the HiPAD devices provide unmatched accuracy, particularly for long-range alignments, to ensure first-shot success.


Innovative solutions for a safer world
Einsatzgebiet und Leistungsbeweis

Universal Muzzle Boresight Devices

The Universal Muzzle Boresight Devices offer a cost-effective, lightweight solution for aligning a wide range of weapon systems using just one boresight telescope and specialised adapters.

This reduces the need for extensive training on multiple equipment types. These fast and easy-to-use devices enable skilled operators to align weapons in minutes, ensuring a quick return to action. With a built-in self-test feature, the system guarantees operational readiness and avoids unnecessary repairs.

Key benefits include high accuracy, durability, low life cycle costs and compatibility with a variety of weapon systems. The Universal Muzzle Boresight Devices are also ITAR-free and adaptable for future use.


High-Precision Alignment Devices (HiPAD)

HiPAD boresight equipment, originally developed for the Leopard MBT-series and SPH2000 howitzer, ensures the highest level of accuracy and therefore contributes to the success of these renowned systems. With adjustable, self-centring calibre bars, HiPAD equipment provides perfect alignment for each barrel, even as weapons age or change. Its key features include:

  • Exceptional boresighting accuracy
  • Easy operation
  • Low maintenance
  • Self-test capability
  • Short- and long-range alignment options
  • ITAR-free adaptability

Additionally, its synchronous operation ensures reliable ballistic calculations to maintain optimal combat readiness.

Our expertise

Our expertise

Precise boresighting with adjustable, self-centring calibre bars for accurate targeting across various weapon systems

Quick and reliable weapon alignment to reduce downtime and improve combat readiness

A durable, low-maintenance design with minimal lifecycle costs, ensuring long-term efficiency in the field

ITAR-free technology that is adaptable to a wide range of weapons and therefore offers global compatibility and ease of use

Fotos gekauft von Ralph Zwilling am 25.11.2020 - dürfen für alles verwendet werden.

Key benefits

Maximising performance and value
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Unmatched accuracy and precision

  • Ensures the highest boresighting accuracy across a wide range of weapon systems
  • Perfect alignment with adjustable, self-centring calibre bars
  • Guarantees first-shot success, thus reducing wasted ammunition and improving mission success
  • Adaptable for long- and short-range alignment needs
Quality Targets Icon pos

Efficiency and ease of use

  • Quick and easy weapon sight adjustments to minimise downtime
  • Simple operating concept that requires minimal training
  • Self-test capable boresight systems to ensure operational readiness and reduce false repairs
  • Universal compatibility across different weapon systems with specialised adapters
Threat Spectrum Wheeled Tank Icon pos

Durability and cost-effectiveness

  • Rugged and long-lasting design, ideal for harsh combat conditions
  • Low maintenance and lifecycle costs, thus optimising budget efficiency
  • ITAR-free, allowing more widespread international use without restrictive regulations
  • Adaptable to future weapon systems and therefore offering long-term value

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