Used for launch of GRJ6000 and GRJ8500

Communications electronic attack

Dominating the electromagnetic spectrum
Communications electronic attack

Advanced electronic attack technologies for dominating the digital battlespace

In today's digital battlespace, it is crucial to control an adversary's ability to communicate and use the EM spectrum. GEW offers unparalleled communications electronic attack (EA) solutions that can suppress electromagnetic activity. Our advanced jamming modes, including true synchronised hopper-follower technology in the V/UHF solutions, can even reliably counter modern fast-hopping tactical radio nets.

Jamming systems for customized signal attack methods

The GEW GRJ8000 range of communications jamming systems integrate wideband surveillance receivers with powerful jamming processors and synthesisers that feature some of the most advanced signal attack methods on the market today. A variety of power amplifiers and antennas can be interfaced to suite customer and application requirements.


Innovative solutions for a safer world

Combined with a powerful EA software solution providing:

  • Spectrum surveillance
  • Advanced jamming waveforms
  • Fixed frequency response EA
  • Smart broadband EA
  • Hopper EA
  • TDM frequency list EA
  • Spoofing


  • HF: Frequency range of 1 MHz to 30 MHz
  • V/UHF: Frequency range of 20 MHz to 3.6 GHz
  • SHF: Frequency range of 3 GHz to 6 GHz
  • Instantaneous bandwidth from 5 MHz in the HF models and up to 120 MHz in the V/UHF models
  • Jamming modes include synchronized predictive jamming of hopper radios with tracking and hop follow capability meaning that each pulse of the hopper is jammed individually
Our expertise

Our expertise

Sensors, effectors and software to achieve situational awareness, spectrum exploitation, and force protection, ultimately achieving spectrum dominance.

Almost 30 years of experience in tactical EW systems.

Market leader in this domain after supplying hundreds of stations that form part of large-scale integrated ecosystems across the globe.

Teams of specialists committed to supporting our systems throughout the world – assisting customers with in-country technical and logistics support, continuous training, long-term maintenance, repairs and upgrades.

Used for launch of GRJ6000 and GRJ8500

Key benefits

Maximising performance and value
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Comprehensive, tailored protection

  • Customised EW systems designed to address unique threats, from sensor deception to communication blocking.
  • Both civilian and military infrastructures are safeguarded through bespoke solutions, ensuring optimal security.
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Seamless system integration

  • Expert integration of complex technologies into existing infrastructure, reducing disruptions and ensuring compatibility.
  • Flexibility to adapt to evolving threat landscapes, maintaining robust defences over time.
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End-to-end strategic support

  • Full-service support, from consultation to long-term maintenance, ensuring sustained operational readiness.
  • Strategic guidance to enhance project success, offering more than just technology, but also actionable security insights.

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