Testing solutions Tailored testing solutions for enhanced sustainment and reliability of your equipment
Testing solutions

At HENSOLDT, we recognise that tailored, high-performance testing solutions are critical for ensuring the longevity and reliability of your systems. Our testing solutions provide tailor-made high-end Special-to-Type Test Equipment (STTE) to support the diagnosis, maintenance, verification and certification of your systems or equipment. Whether you are handling new software and hardware releases or implementing changes, we offer in-depth system testing to guarantee the highest performance standards.

Our solutions address your specific needs, including precise performance measurements, thorough system evaluations and the identification of any potential issues. We focus on delivering comprehensive and reliable test results to ensure that your systems meet all necessary specifications for operational effectiveness. We use our HENSOLDT expertise to support you in performing thorough testing, thus ensuring that your equipment operates efficiently and safely and can be certified for its intended purpose. Our tailored testing solutions provide peace of mind and help your systems maintain peak performance and compliance throughout their life cycle.

Our services

Testing solution HENSOLDT Services 1

Our testing solutions are specifically developed to support both HENSOLDT and third-party systems, legacy equipment and newer systems that require performance verification or maintenance checks. Each testing solution is tailored to the individual requirements of your equipment, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in every evaluation. We provide in-depth custom testing services that can be seamlessly integrated into fixed or mobile workshops, laboratories or on-site infrastructure. This flexibility allows us to offer enhanced modular testing capabilities that can be adapted and expanded as needed to accommodate future system updates or adjustments.

For organisations seeking additional support, we offer training on HENSOLDT testing solutions to ensure that your personnel are proficient in the operation and maintenance of your equipment. Our dedicated HENSOLDT personnel can also be contracted to operate testing solutions within your existing infrastructure, reducing the operational burden on your team. Moreover, we design specific test procedures and generate detailed reports to enable clear verification and certification of your system or equipment’s performance for its intended purpose. This comprehensive approach extends beyond the initial installation, encompassing the creation of advanced solutions tailored to master challenging testing scenarios and continuously evolving customer requirements.

Your benefits

Your benefits

High system and equipment availability verified and certified with specialised testing solutions

Reduced repair turnaround times thanks to advanced, self-learning testing algorithms and procedures

A reduced personnel workload thanks to HENSOLDT experts managing the operation of your testing infrastructure, with the option for on-site support or remote assistance for operating our test systems

One reliable partner providing testing solutions and services throughout the entire life cycle of your system or equipment