Surveillance and target acquisition radar
K130-Magdeburg, Titelgrafik Datenblatt TRS-3D

The challenge

Even under severe clutter conditions encountered in the littoral, both single-radar ships and large, multi-radar ships show the need for a countermeasure-resistant, medium-range air and surface surveillance system, which is able to detect and track particularly small, fast and low-flying aircraft and missiles as well as hovering helicopters and asymmetrical threats.

Our solution

TRS-3D is a modular, countermeasure-resistant, medium-range air and surface surveillance system. With its great tracking accuracy, it is designed for extended missions on both single-radar ships and large, multi-radar ships.

Even under severe clutter conditions encountered in the littoral, it can detect and track particularly small, fast and low-flying aircraft and missiles as well as hovering helicopters and asymmetrical threats.

TRS-3D is the best system for long-range detection performance, short reaction times and the accuracy required for cueing weapons systems and dedicated fire control sensors, allowing you to maximise operational effectiveness.

The combat-proven naval radar system is being continuously improved to meet all current and future mission requirements while retaining its advantages in modularity, easy integrability and solidity.

K130-Magdeburg, Titelgrafik Datenblatt TRS-3D

Features and benefits


  • 3D air volume surveillance with fast target alert
  • Target designation to CMS for AAW and ASuW
  • Surface gunfire support with splash detection
  • Support of ship-controlled helicopter approach (SCA)
  • High-performance ECCM
  • High resistance to EMI
  • Target classification support
  • IFF interrogation support


  • High-resolution surface surveillance
  • Small-target detection capability
  • Suppression of environmental clutter
  • Supports various combat management systems

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