Spectrum Battle Management Suite
The challenge
Collecting information on the tactical situation to support military operations is extremely challenging. Combining information from systems of varying ages and from many partner nations contributes to this challenge.
Current challenges
- Multiple software for single features
- Different user interfaces
- Information available at one station only
- No data exchange between different applications
Practical challenges
- Accurate tactical situation time consuming
to generate - Almost no automation available
- Sensors do not interact
- Data collection is highly labour intensive
Our solution
HENSOLDT's Spectrum Battle Management Suite (SBMS) is the solution for tactical and strategic network operations in spectrum battle management. A simple and user-friendly interface together with next generation sensors guarantees field situational awareness on all levels.
SBMS is a field proven system software for C4ISR and to deliver the tactical situation picture, facilitating fast command decision making. Hensoldt sensors provide all aspects for Electronic Support (ES), Electronic Attack (EA) and for RADAR, COMINT and ELINT.

Features and benefits
- Scalable networked system architecture
- Open data interfaces
- NATO interfaces available
- Map centric mission planning and deployment planning
- Integrated messenger and VoIP communication system between operators or station wide
- Full remote capability for unmanned sensors
- Powerful integrated 3D map
- Fully configurable on feature level
- Platform independent (Windows, Linux)
- Automatic electronic order of battle generation
- Mission planning and tasking
- Full automatic and interactive signal classification, production and recording
- Advanced listen-in and waveform analysis
- Near real-time displays for visualization of wideband receiver spectrum, direction finder spectrum or radar-EW spectrums (PDWs)
- Visualized RF propagation calculation and jamming efficiency prediction
- Highest level of reliable data
- Optimized automated workflows
- Integration of legacy platforms
- Extensive reporting capabilities
- Fewer operator hours required
- Intuitive use
- Future proof framework
- Training capabilities included
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