LTR 400 Far Field Monitor

Deployable field testing unit
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The challenge

Technological advances, new regulatory requirements and changing environmental conditions such as a higher frequency of severe weather events and increased pollution of the electromagnetic spectrum, which causes interference, require robust and rule-compliant test equipment.

LTR 400 Far Field Monitor

Our solution

HENSOLDT's state-of-the-art LTR 400 far field monitor (FFM) is suitable for various application scenarios in both military surveillance and civil air traffic control environments.

This FFM verifies the accuracy, integrity and performance of secondary surveillance radars and ensures reliable identification and tracking in military and civil environments.

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Features and benefits


  • State-of-the-art IFF Mode 5 transponder for field testing, performance monitoring and ease of maintenance
  • Providing data that can be used for predictive maintenance, allowing for reduced downtimes and cost reduction
  • Seamlessly integrating the FFM deployable into existing SSR-configurations


  • Qualified for military and civil applications
  • Maintaining high safety standards and enhancing operational efficiency by enabling real-time monitoring of vital operational parameters

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