Kelvin Hughes INBS

Integrated Navigation Bridge System
Kelvin Hughes Integrated Naval Bridge System

The challenge

Real-time access to clear information about a vessel’s status is critical to ship safety. As one would expect, the bridge systems that have been introduced to address this need have evolved over time, often creating a crowded and confusing environment due to a range of disparate technologies and solutions.

The systems that are essential to a ship’s safety and mission must operate within a secure and integrated software platform that provides clear visibility and enhanced protection from cyber-attacks.

A bridgesystem that meets these challenges should support all of the functions required by naval vessels and provide a consistent, unified system architecture.

Kelvin Hughes INBS

Our solution

Ship safety and mission fulfilment are critically dependent on real-time navigational information and situational awareness.

Our HENSOLDT UK solution, the Kelvin Hughes Integrated Navigation Bridge System (INBS), provides a turnkey, market-leading user interface that is easy to operate and maintain, while being fully integrated with navigational equipment and sensors.

Designed around the navigator, this interface provides on-demand access to essential information with minimal effort. Intuitive key tooltips, common dialogues and controls throughout the system allow operators to focus on critical navigation tasks without any distractions.

All this is complemented by a modular architecture and standard interfaces, both of which enable efficient integration of sensors for an INBS that is tailored to the customer’s needs.

Kelvin Hughes Integrated Naval Bridge System

Features and benefits


  • Complete naval navigation solution
  • Dual redundant system for data distribution
  • Integrated multifunctional displays (MFD)
  • Common track labelling across all MFDs creates common target numbers for all operators to prevent misunderstandings when discussing targets
  • Sector transmission and screens
  • ESM bearings
  • FOC, Dogbox and Plan Cordon for ASW
  • Gun mount and director bearings
  • Radar and WAIS data fusion
  • Bathymetry navigation
  • Safe helicopter operating limits
  • Target indication
  • Relative-velocity calculations
  • Blind pilotage
  • Helicopter control graphics
  • Display of tactical symbols
  • 2D/3D tactical views
  • Proprietary Data Distribution Unit (DDU)


  • Complies with IMO requirements and NATO ANEP77
  • Access to information in real time
  • Situational awareness and system security
  • User-centric, minimalistic design thanks to Kelvin Hughes’ patented, 3-button operation
  • Provides the operator all the information they need, on demand and with minimal effort
  • Reduced installation costs
  • Optimal operational efficiency
  • Easy access to all navigation-critical tasks including radar, ECDIS/WECDIS and conning
  • Seamlessly integrates with all on-board systems
  • Simple solutions for retrofit on all vessels
  • Straightforward interfaces with regard to combat systems
  • Exceptional reliability


HENSOLDT INBS offers a comprehensive solution that can connect a variety of systems into one integrated network, enabling the sharing and distribution of data across a wide range of sensors.

This solution can be enhanced with a range of HENSOLDT products, including:

QUADOME 3D radar: modular, highly reliable, countermeasure-resistant, medium-range air and surface surveillance system

MSSR 2000 IFF interrogator: Designed for a wide range of operational needs, for civil and military air surveillance applications at air, land and sea

LYNCEA mission management system: Embedded naval surveillance and defence CMS, for use on patrol boats and surveillance frigates

MEOS II electro-optical device: Fully stabilised, compactly designed surveillance system which bundles various state-of-the-art sensors

Lygarion data link: facilitates the secure and real-time acquisition and exchange of operational data between multiple military platforms

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