Commercial S Band Radar

Kelvin Hughes SharpEye radar
container ship sailing in the ocean top view

The challenge

In today’s congested shipping lanes, maintaining situational awareness is paramount for navigators. Commercial vessels at sea must be equipped with radar systems that provide simplicity, visibility and safety for collision avoidance, route planning and navigation, even in the kind of extreme weather conditions that can make target detection difficult for conventional radar technology.

Such radar performance is required for commercial retrofitting and new-build ships; from luxury yachts and giant cruise liners to thousands of merchant vessels, workboats and the autonomous ships of tomorrow.

Commercial S Band Radar

Our solution

Navigational radar systems provide data that is essential for safe and accurate navigation, making them a vital part of improving maritime safety and efficiency.

The Kelvin Hughes S-Band navigation radar is part of a range of equipment created by specialist R&D teams for all types of commercial vessels.

One result of this innovative approach is the SharpEy radar system, which offers minimal maintenance, high reliability and performance benefits.

SharpEy technology eliminates the need for magnetrons and high-voltage components such as modulators in the transceiver. This dramatically increases transceiver reliability to more than 150,000 hours (> 17 years). This is achieved by using technologies previously restricted to high-end military radars and adapting them to provide an affordable navigation radar package.

container ship sailing in the ocean top view

Features and benefits


  • S-Band-Solid-State-Navigationsradar SharpEye
  • Umfassenderes aktuelles Lagebild durch Puls-Kompression und Strahlschärfung
  • Präzise Kollisionsvermeidung dank ARPA-Tracking
  • Klare, detaillierte Navigationsdaten auf hochauflösenden 24”- und 27”-Monitoren
  • Integrierte Clutter-Unterdrückung sorgt für eine verbesserte Erkennung kleiner Ziele bei Störreflexionen durch Regen und Seegang
  • Kein Bedarf an Hochspannungskomponenten dank Reduktion der Spitzenleistung um 99 % – von 30 kW auf nur 200 W
  • Redundantes, vernetztes System bietet äußerste Zuverlässigkeit
  • Effiziente Wartung mit voller Fernsupport-Funktionalität
  • Typenzertifiziert gemäß der EU-Marineausrüstungsrichtlinie für Schiffsradar-Kategorien CAT 1 und CAT 2


  • Suitable for commercial retrofit and new shipbuilding
  • Unparalleled radar performance
  • Low maintenance, low through-life costs
  • Built-In Test Equipment (BITE) for automatic diagnostics
  • Low cost of ownership
  • No replacement of magnetron in S-Band radar
  • Space-saving, minimalist display design
  • With intuitive key tooltips and common dialogue, and controls throughout the system, operators can focus on critical navigation tasks without distraction
  • Incorporates cutting-edge software functionality
  • Easy and flexible installation
  • Compatible with the Kelvin Hughes ECDIS display and bridge system

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