Measurement and flight test platformThe challenge
Managing a test campaign for an in-flight platform involves complex challenges. Coordinating the precise timing and execution of tests is critical, as multiple systems and components need simultaneous evaluation under real flight conditions.
Ensuring data accuracy and integrity requires meticulous calibration and synchronization of sensors. The team must also address the complexities of in-flight data transmission, maintaining robust and secure communication links as well as the mastery of main standards and protocols. Managing the logistical aspects, such as equipment setup, data collection, and post-flight analysis, further adds to the complexity.
The software interface for the test campaigns must offer an optimal user experience to respond efficiently and accurately to the diversity and complexity of the test stages.
Our solution
MAGALI provides end-to-end management of test phases. This hardware and software solution allows to manage through a single platform all stages of a test campaign: data acquisition, generation, display, processing and reporting. In addition, it offers all the capabilities to control and supervise a complex installation.
The solution is at the core of test measurement systems and telemetry systems that are in use all over the world.
Features and benefits
- Complete test management: preparation, control and implementation, results management, test reports
- Multi-task: data acquisition, visualisation, analysis, processing, test reports, etc.
- Real-time, post-processing and replay functions
- Manage different data sources and numerous protocols and formats
- Multiple optional modules: simulation, video, calibration, test sequencer, MATLAB export, etc
- Multi-platform (Windows, Linux and Real Time OS) to adapt to development environments and technical constraints
- Quicker time to market, with streamlined costs and maximised productivity
- Suitable for any type of system, sub-system or equipment
- Leveraging simulation to reduce costs
- Committed to developing platforms with the highest level of availability, security, reliability and long-term performance
- Secure, quicker testing for fast configuration, multi-session capability, fault tolerance and complete test automation
- Brings intermodality a step forward
- Modern user experience combines operational excellence with sustainable performance
- Users can easily create and implement test sessions