Missile Approach Confirmation Sensor
MACS - Missile Approach Confirmation Sensor

The challenge


Our solution

The Missile Approach Confirmation Sensor (MACS) eliminates false alarms and reduces unnecessary stress situations for the pilot and the crew.

The missile verification sensor allows confirmation of suspected incoming missile threats to eliminate false alarms. The incoming missile alarm is provided by a missile warning system (MWS, e.g. MILDS family), which activates the MACS to verify the missile alarm. This has no impact on the warning time of the MWS itself.

The MACS collects relevant data on the incoming missile (velocity and distance) and calculates its time-to-impact, enabling the most effective countermeasure response. By delivering practically zero false alarm rates (FAR), the MACS is the best solution for protecting both special mission aircraft as well as VIP and commercial aircraft against the threat of MANPADS and ATGM.

MACS - Missile Approach Confirmation Sensor

Features and benefits


  • Eliminating false alarms
  • Confirming suspected incoming missile threats
  • Avoiding unintentional flare use
  • Determining missile distance, speed and time to impact
  • Multi-threat capability

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