Making Technology appealing to Students

Sensor solutions provider HENSOLDT initiates educational partnership with Kepler-Gymnasium in Ulm.

Educational partnership with the Kepler-Gymnasium (from left to right): Silvia Geppert, Head of the 'Education Network School/Economy' of the IHK, Dr. Karin Weidner-Reuter, School Principal of the Kepler-Gymnasium, Werner Stockburger, Head of Training HENSOLDT. Photo: HENSOLDT

Ulm, 26 November 2019 – The sensor solutions provider HENSOLDT wants to familiarize pupils with technology topics. The technology group has now initiated its sixth educational partnership with the Kepler-Gymnasium.

"We would like to make the subject of 'technology' appealing to the pupils and are delighted that the teachers are very committed to cooperation and projects," Werner Stockburger, Head of Training at HENSOLDT, said.

The Ulm secondary school and HENSOLDT first came into contact at an IHK event. At the signing of the partnership agreement, IHK was represented by Silvia Geppert, head of the 'Education Network School/Economy'. She is delighted when partnerships emerge: "Pupils need good framework conditions in order to make their career choice. This means that they need early insights into companies in order to be able to decide for themselves which way they want to go", Geppert said.

The recently signed cooperation also pleases Kepler school principal Dr. Karin Weidner-Reuter: "I am delighted that our students are getting an insight into an international company, here in our city.”

As the first joint project, a 10th grade class will visit HENSOLDT at the beginning of next year. The plan is to jointly design and manufacture a robot and to gain very special insights into technical professions at the HENSOLDT Training Centre.

About HENSOLDT in Ulm

At HENSOLDT's Ulm site, around 2,000 employees are involved in the development and manufacture of complex safety electronics, including radars, electronic protection systems and high-frequency electronic components. The majority of the employees are engineers and technicians, about 180 young adults are in training.

Press contact
Lothar Belz
Tel.: +49 (0)731.392.3681

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