Eurosatory 2024 booth
Let´s meet at SOMA!
SOMA – Special Operations Medical Association

May 04-08, 2025

The Special Operations Medical Association (SOMA) is the only medical association in the world that brings together the unique blend of pre-hospital, tactical, wilderness, austere, disaster, and deployed medicine. SOMA 2025 provides great opportunites for military and civilian medical providers, academia, and industry partners, as it is one of the largest gathering of SOF medical providers in the world that includes U.S. military, foreign military, domestic tactical law enforcement, and tactical EMS providers.

HENSOLDT will use this platform to present its medical portfolio, consisting in simulation and training solutions such as the Simulated Tactical Combat Casualty Care-XR SIMTCCC-XR. 2

Secure your spot!

Being on of the largest gathering of SOF medical providers in the world, SOMA provides the opportunity for military and civilian medical providers, academia, and industry partners,

HENSOLDT will use this platform to present its medical portfolio, consisting in simulation and training solutions such as the Simulated Tactical Combat Casualty Care-XR SIMTCCC-XR.

See you in Raleigh!

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