Direction finding technology – Advanced training

Technology training

Course ID: DFAdv-000-01-TEC
Classroom training

2 days

Max. 12



  • Understand the development of different DF technologies and their advantages
  • Understand the principles of operation for different DF technologies and perform mathematical calculations on them
  • State the importance and effects of space weather on communication
  • State the working of the magnetosphere and its importance, including the Van-Allen belts
  • Fully understand the interaction of HF DF and the ionosphere to enable planning of HF communications
  • Understand triangulations/baseline DF/best points
  • Understand site influences on direction finding and performing basic site surveys
  • Plan and execute DF tests on an intercept site

Course information

Target group

Specialist operators and maintainers of direction finding systems




General information

  • Course introduction
  • Space weather and its effect on radio communication
  • The magnetosphere and the Van-Allen belts

Direction finding technologies

  • Origin and development of various DF technologies and techniques
  • Principles of Watson-Watt direction finding
  • Principles of Doppler direction finding
  • Principles of interferometric direction finding and mathematical calculation
  • Principles of TDOA direction finding
  • The ionosphere and HF communications
  • Planning for HF communications using software tools
  • Triangulations/baseline DF/best points and error calculations
  • DF siting and influences – ITU spectrum monitoring handbook
  • Planning and executing DF tests