
HENSOLDT Academy – Staying professional

The success of every mission depends on high-performance equipment and staff competence. HENSOLDT Academy is your reliable partner for training in new skills and technologies that will help your employees to safely and efficiently operate and maintain your HENSOLDT products and systems.

We provide standard training courses designed specifically for operators, maintenance staff, technicians and administrators. These can also be customised to your specific needs. With HENSOLDT Blended Learning, we offer a path to your long-term and sustainable learning success.

Our learning portfolio has been systematically designed to support operational efficiency and the cost-effective and time-efficient development of skills – simply select the right course from our training building blocks.

  • Your requirements
    • Skilled personnel able to operate and maintain your system in a safe, efficient and fit-for-purpose manner
    • Enhanced operator skills for maximum exploitation of system capabilities
    • Enhanced maintenance personnel skills for increased system availability and reduced system downtime
  • Our solution
    • Provision of purpose-oriented and target-group-oriented training for operators, maintenance personnel and administrators on HENSOLDT products and solutions that can be customised to meet specific needs
    • Not limited to HENSOLDT products and solutions, but also covering basic technology (e.g. radar) and norms/standards (e.g. IFF Mode 5)
    • Train-the-trainer courses that ideally prepare your instructors for their future activities. Upon request, live coaching is also available
    • Initial, refresher and follow-on training that can be individually ordered or booked via the HENSOLDT Academy training catalogue
    • Use of various media and didactic approaches to ensure the best learning experience, including paper-based training materials, hands-on lessons, computer-based and web-based training, simulation and AR/VR technology, etc. supporting live online trainings and blended learning
    • Distance training available if required thanks to the use of the aforementioned technologies
  • Your benefits
    • First-hand training from the OEM provided by professional trainers and supported by experienced experts
    • Comprehensive trainee and trainer documentation
    • Full life cycle training services that reduce the workload for your own training organisation and support varying staff involvement
    • Professional training to ensure efficient and safe system and equipment operation and availability
    • Security of investment through proper system handling and maintenance
    • Cost savings through use of distance learning and virtualisation technologies

Technology Training

HENSOLDT´s technology training is intended to convey an introduction to technologies or standards without focus on specific products, e.g. for air traffic surveillance.

Web Based Training

Our web based training provides flexible learning possibilities. This allows each learner to complete a course independent of other participants or a trainer. Mainly theoretical basics are imparted in this kind of training.

Training Levels

Our training courses are target group oriented. We provide a modular training concept where we have defined three qualification levels and two learning paths for operators and technicians/maintenance personnel.

Basic Level

Basic level training familiarises operators and technicians/maintenance staff with equipment and provides a technical overview of the respective products and their structure. This is useful for project managers, for example. This level is comparable to organisational-level maintenance (OLM) or level 1 maintenance training.

Standard Level

To achieve the standard level, we enable participants to work without supervision in standard situations. We train technicians on maintenance tasks up to line replaceable unit (LRU) replacement. Courses at this level are comparable to intermediate-level maintenance (ILM) or level 2 maintenance training.

Operators learn to perform their standard assignments and to use the full functional scope of the respective products without higher-level assistance.

Advanced Level

At the advanced level, participants are trained to become full experts in their operational or technical area. Through the combination of in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience, the participants are able to provide technical supervision of Standard Level tasks.

The Advanced Maintainer Training includes the management of tasks beyond standard maintenance and may require the use of special tools and test equipment. Such courses are comparable to depot-level maintenance (DLM) or level 3 maintenance training.

The Advanced Operator Training is designed to provide capabilities in the area of system supervision as well as operational configuration and administration.

Skill Levels for Modular Training Concept

Basic Level

Standard Operator Level

Advanced Operator Level

Standard Technician Level

Advanced Technician Level

  • Can name the basic techniques and major functional concepts of the product
  • Operates the product in standard mode
  • Performs simple functional checks and maintenance tasks
  • Issues failure/incident reports
  • Can explain the product structure and identification scheme
  • Takes account of possible hazards, safety instructions and measures
  • Uses technical documentation properly
  • Understands and properly applies security measures (including denial)
  • Able to work without assistance
  • Operates the product in its full functional scope
  • Operates the product via standard GUI
  • Maintains standard environmental data sets (e.g. weather, coordinates, blanking)
  • Performs backup of operational data
  • Able to support colleagues
  • Performs backup recovery of operational data
  • Maintains and adjusts (optimises) special environmental data sets (e.g. system environment, interfaces)
  • Assigns and administers user access, rights and roles
  • Able to work without assistance
  • Problem is clear before assignment
  • Troubleshoots standard issues
  • Performs standard preventive maintenance
  • Performs LRU (line replaceable unit) replacement
  • Operates standard tools and test equipment
  • Able to support colleagues
  • Solves complex problems
  • Can work on problems unknown before assignment
  • Can adjust product/system configuration in standard situations
  • Recovers SW and executes SW updates (patches)
  • Operates special tools and test equipment


Here you will find our full range of training courses as PDF:

Training Catalogue



Do you have any questions, requests or suggestions regarding our training courses? Please do not hesitate to contact our training experts directly.
